Saturday, September 21, 2024


Sometimes I feel like I don’t know you,

I can’t find you in sweat-swept browbone

or one consuming, beautiful grin -

Is this new? Did I forget the way our surging 

closeness packs the lungs like grave-dirt,

soil moist with heat and anger?

No, it must be new, or newly discovered,

knees buckled under swallowed tongues.

Is this it? Is this the way they did it, those

Coupled skeletons unearthed with clasped

hands? If you could excavate a mind, you’d find

turmoil, tedium, and above all, love -

I’m sure that your hand fits into mine. Even as

remains, an artifact brushed tenderly into being,

you would be precious to me.

Our fingers weave a pattern outside of time,

and I will dig out your crystalline heart and hold it

to the light until I see clearly -

Will I ever get tired of discovering you, my love?

Even as we slough off the fine silt that covers

us, both eyes squinting in the dry sun…





 © 2024. This work is openly licensed via CC BY-NC-ND.